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Styles that are easier on the long journey

Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class, and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression at a particular period and place and…

Forging a sense of self

Fashion instead describes the social and temporal system that “activates” dress as a social signifier in a certain time and context. Philosopher Giorgio Agamben connects fashion to the current intensity of the qualitative moment, to the temporal aspect the Greek…

Most used travel route

Online shopping allows the buyer to save the time and expense.which would have been spent traveling to the store or mall. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression at a particular period and place and in a specific context, especially in…


Edison Fuel , founded in the early 1990s in Providence, Rhode Island , was one of several lounge music acts that sparked a brief resurgence of interest in the genre in the mid-1990s.


Edison Fuel , founded in the early 1990s in Providence, Rhode Island , was one of several lounge music acts that sparked a brief resurgence of interest in the genre in the mid-1990s.


Gianni & Enzo Lo Greco (Lo Greco Bros, Soulstance, Quintetto Lo Greco) sono una delle sezioni ritmiche più calde ed affiatate del panorama musicale italiano ed internazionale.


MILANO SHANGHAI non è solo un gruppo musicale: la giovane squadra di ragazzi lombardi comprende video-maker, fotografi e grafici, affermandosi come una realtà indipendente a tutti gli effetti.

Lehmanns Brothers

I Lehmanns Brothers sono 6 giovani musicisti che ad Angoulême in Francia nel 2012 decidono di mettere insieme il loro amore per la musica nera e di formare una band, raccogliendo la sfida di fondere un’interpretazione contemporanea di jazz, funk, hip hop…


“Edison – Change the music” promuove la sostenibilità ambientale nel mondo della musica.